First Whip FOOLS present......
9:00 AM09:00

First Whip FOOLS present......

  • 4800 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


How Primary is Your Search? - Missing Elements of Window-Initiated Search

This lecture will address often neglected elements of VES: from having a systematic size-up for the tactic, to its utilization as a regularly occurring primary search practice on the fireground. Additionally, an in-depth discussion around the necessary techniques and best practices to improve your window-initiated search will be presented.

Please register for this event using the link below. There will be limited spots!

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BBQ & Interactive workshop
5:00 PM17:00

BBQ & Interactive workshop

Ila Borders and Jill Fullerton present First Due Size Ups. Ila Borders is the training Captain at Clackamas Fire, Jill Fullerton is a newly promoted Lieutenant at Clackamas Fire and off course First Whips Fools very own Secretary/ Treasurer.

First Due Size Ups is a hands-on workshop designed to engage you in the size-up process through interactive lectures and audience participation. We will briefly cover building construction and smoke reading, emphasizing how a solid understanding of these topics can enhance your size-up skills.

The workshop will provide a straightforward approach to size-ups, focusing on three key questions: What do you have? What are you doing? What do you need? You will then have the chance to practice size-ups through simulations and receive constructive feedback in a supportive environment. This class is ideal for firefighters aiming for promotion or new officers refining their size-up techniques. We also welcome experienced officers and firefighters interested in sharing their insights.

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12:00 PM12:00


DATE CHANGE! Due to the Service of David Coombs, the Sermon that was planned on 4/27 will be postponed to 5/19 at noon at Steeplejack. David Combs was a retired Captain with Columbia River Fire & Rescue and served as the Division Chief with Westport Fire & Rescue. Our thoughts are with the Coombs family, friends and coworkers.

Portland Fire’s own Behavioral Health Coordinator Tara Stein will talk about the how and why of PEER support. What local resources are available and how can we reach those resources. This is a short presentation with an Q & A session to follow. Come join us.

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HOT Sermon?
10:00 AM10:00

HOT Sermon?

This talk will cover two primary topics: elevator incident response and elevator use at fires.  

When responding to incidents involving a stalled elevator, inappropriate action by emergency personnel may be putting themselves and the public at unnecessary risk.  We will discuss how to respond safely and effectively at incidents involving stalled elevators.   

The lecture section will discuss elevator types, theory of operation, safety mechanisms, emergency response, Phase 2 operations, etc.   

The hands-on section will be an in-depth look at hydraulic elevator machinery, mainline power controls, elevator car and hoistway door mechanisms, and procedures to manually lower a hydraulic elevator to effect rescue. 

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10:00 AM10:00


Come join us for a great morning of training!

James Nisbet will cover the following:

When engine companies arrive first into a fire with reports of people trapped the age-old conundrum continues to be a cycle in our trade, do we commit to extinguishment or do we go all in for search? How do we do the most good if we search as the engine company? Together we will go over a framework for making the best decisions in these scenarios based on search statistics, extinguishment practices, and case studies. 

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Sunday Sermon (on Saturday)
10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Sermon (on Saturday)

We are back! Starting with our Sermon! Todays topic will be: Tactical Resilience, presented by VP Robbie Hendrikx. We will talk about how he got into this topic, what he teaches with the group Tactical Resilience and how he has implemented it partially with Portland Fire & Rescue.
Come join us for a chill morning, grab a cup of coffee or a pint with some breakfast and hang out with a bunch of like minded folks. See you there!


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Isolation Challenge
6:00 PM18:00

Isolation Challenge

Marion County FL, Fools challenged us to the Isolation Challenge. Challenge accepted. 
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday May 12th we will be live hosting Justin McWilliams as our isolation challenge. This will be a live chat via Zoom broadcasted on Facebook. We will be talking to Justin about the search culture within their department. How do they teach search to their Recruits, how did their Rescue & Search Manual come about and what made him be part of the firefighter rescue survey!
Please tune in on our Facebook Page at 6PM PST and watch this presentation live.
We will challenge new chapters on Tuesday, but if you are Puget Sound FOOLSBackstep FOOLS or Lone Star FOOLS maybe pay extra close attention.  

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West Coast Offense: From the Rig to the Roof
to Oct 12

West Coast Offense: From the Rig to the Roof

  • Clackamas Fire Dist. #1 Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The importance of roof operations extends far beyond the physical act of vertical ventilation.
Although arguably the most important reason for going “topside,” vertical ventilation is only one half of the total value of a company on the roof. This vertical ventilation class will provide the student with a well rounded skill set that focuses as much on the cut as it does with the decision making process and continued size-up of the incident. This class will also provide the students with an overall game plan to a flat roof operation including:

-Throwing primary and secondary ladders, where and why

-Appropriate sounding and cutting techniques

-Choosing the correct path of travel based off construction type

-2 truck operations and communication.

This is a 2 day class, 8 hours each day. Come ready to work and refine your skills!


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Sunday Sermon
3:00 PM15:00

Sunday Sermon

Please join us as Retired Battalion Chief Smith from Clackamas Fire leads a discussion on Implementing Training in your department.

Chief Smith has 34 years of Fire Service experience. He held all ranks up to BC. He spend most of his career as a AO (16), Assistant TO (2), Captain TO (3) and BC (3)

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Sunday Sermon
1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sermon

Please join us as Ryan Endicott from the Lone Star F.O.O.L.S leads a discussion on Survivability Profiling.

Ryan is the training Trustee with the Lone Star F.O.O.L.S. and works in the training division with the Austin Fire Department. Ryan is the “creator” of the Firehouse Sermon, which are held each month with the Lone Star F.O.O.L.S.

Survivability Profiling

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Sunday Sermon & 3rd quarter meeting
1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sermon & 3rd quarter meeting

Please join us as Rob Fisher will be leading a discussion on passion in the fire service. Both in personal development and within your department.

Rob Fisher is a 30 year fire service veteran. He served 9 year as a line firefighter, 20 years as a Lieutenant (including 5 years as a training captain). He promoted to BC 10 months ago. He is also a PEER Support Coordinator for SCFD #7.

Robbie is also very active on the national stage. He is the F.O.O.L.S. International Training Trustee, Puget Sound F.O.O.L.S. Training Trustee. He is an instructor at FDIC, with BIB and Firetown. He is part of the following Facebook Groups: the Roof Perv, Truck Floor Training, F.O.O.L.S. International and the Puget Sound F.O.O.L.S.

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Open Gym
9:00 AM09:00

Open Gym

  • Lee Broadbent Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have you wanted to force doors but haven’t had the crew or props to do it?
Have you wanted to flow water up stairs but your crew hasn’t been able to get out to training?
Have you wanted to throw ladders, but the parking lot is your only chance to throw one up?
Come to open gym! It is a time to practice the skills you have been wishing to practice. Attack your weaknesses. Hands on skills you have been wishing to get the reps in. 


Open Gym
9am - 3pm for Open Gym @ Columbia River Fire & Rescue

Columbia River Fire & Rescue - Lee Broadbent Training Center
58577 McNulty Way, St Helens, OR 97051

Equipment Available at the Training Center:

  • Engines with 1 ¾ hose lines and 2 ½ hose lines

  • Stairs

  • Door prop

  • Multiple windows

  • Multiple rooms

  • Ladders

  • Vent Prop (

We will try to have the training grounds set up to your needs. Let us know what you want to work on and we will do our best to get it there for you.
This is a self guided but collaborative drill ground. No specific instructor will be there but all of us will be there to learn from each other. This is your time!
Best of all, It’s FREE! Bring your crew, your buddy you went through academy with, your mentor. No more watching youtubes… it’s hands on time.

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9:00 AM09:00

Joueyman Series: Firefighter Survival

The Journeyman Firefighter Survival course is intended to reduce the number of firefighters killed or injured while performing their duties on the fire ground. It is an 8-hour class delivered by the Randy Carpenter Firefighter Search, Survival, and Rescue School for the First Whip F.O.O.L.S.  

The Journeyman Firefighter Survival course was developed in the continuing effort to reduce the number of firefighter injuries and fatalities that occur on an annual basis. This course will supply you with a greater understanding of the need for situational awareness, firefighter survival skills, and the technical survival skills to help you avoid committing fatal errors on the fire ground.  Avoiding situations that could cause you to become lost, trapped, or injured is the best way to prevent tragedies at a fire scene. The Journeyman Firefighter Survival course will aid in preventing firefighter emergencies by teaching personnel to be resourceful when facing dangerous situations.

During this class, you will gain a greater understanding of fire fighter survival terminology, developing a survival attitude, increasing situational awareness, and being trained in problem-solving techniques so you can become more self-reliant in an emergency. Case studies will be reviewed to outline factors common in many line-of-duty deaths (LODDs) across the nation.  You must effectively complete the class in its entirety to receive a course completion certificate.

Gear Needs: Full PPE, SCBA, Extra bottle, Mask

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2018 Firemanship Conference
to Mar 2

2018 Firemanship Conference

The 2018 Firemanship Conference will be held in Portland, Oregon from February 26th - March 2nd, 2018.

2018 will see an all-new cast of Speakers and two days of Hands-On Training. We will start Open Registration at the end of July 2017. This year's lecture venue is the Crystal Ballroom in downtown Portland, so we have room for at least 500 Firefighters!

2018 Header Option 1.png

Education & Training

This year's Conference will provide several hundred of hours of education and training for more than 700 Firefighters of every rank, from Fire Departments all across the country.

Have you noticed your Fire Department is steadily increasing the amount of required training in topics other than Fire Suppression? Spend a few days with us studying the art of Firefighting and perfecting your craft.


We donate the net profits from the event to Sons of the Flag, a nonprofit organization that provides critical support to military service members, firefighters and civilians who have survived burn injuries. So far we have donated $85,000!

This year we plan do donate much more, and with your help we can keep providing critical funding for burn care across the country.


Whether you want to meet some of the speakers, talk shop or catch up with old friends, your evenings will be full.

Every year we survey the attendees for their feedback, and one of the overwhelming responses what that the evening social events were a huge benefit. We plan to host a social event eachnight of the Conference this year as well.

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Open Gym (Free!)
9:00 AM09:00

Open Gym (Free!)

  • Lee Broadbent Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Signup Here for Open Gym!

Have you wanted to force doors but haven’t had the crew or prop to do it?
Have you wanted to flow water up stairs but your crew hasn’t been able to get out to training?
Have you wanted to throw ladders, but the parking lot is your only chance to throw one up?
Come to open gym! It is a time to practice the skills you have been wishing to practice. Attack your weaknesses. Hands on skills you have been wishing to get the reps in. 


Open Gym First with meeting and elections to follow.
9am - 2pm for Open Gym @ Columbia River Fire & Rescue
Meeting and Elections to follow immediately after.

Columbia River Fire & Rescue - Lee Broadbent Training Center
58577 McNulty Way, St Helens, OR 97051

Equipment Available at the Training Center:

  • Engines with 1 ¾ hose lines and 2 ½ hose lines
  • Stairs
  • Door prop
  • Multiple window
  • Multiple rooms
  • Ladders

We will try to have the training grounds set up to your needs. Let us know what you want to work on and we will do our best to get it there for you.
This is a self guided but collaborative drill ground. No specific instructor will be there but all of us will be there to learn from each other. This is your time!
Best of all, It’s FREE! Bring your crew, your buddy you went through academy with, your mentor. No more watching youtubes… it’s hands on time.

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The Art of Reading Buildings
8:00 AM08:00

The Art of Reading Buildings

Battalion Chief John Mittendorf (ret.) developed his skills over 30 years with the LAFD. The Art of Reading Buildings focuses on the practical art of reading a building and applying its positive and negative attributes in developing a size-up for fireground operations that center on structure fires. First-due company officers, incident commanders, and safety officers will appreciate the practical “street-wise” lessons presented. Chief officers, training officers, engineers, firefighters, and fire science degree candidates will benefit from the wide range of building construction topics covered.

This workshop provides essential tools and practice in making rapid street reads on buildings. Emphasis is on classifying a building using a Type/Era/Use/Size model and then developing an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses (hazards) of a given building using that model. Rapid-read visual clues are explored and practiced during the class using videos of actual building 360˚ walk-arounds.This approach fills the gap between the teachings of Francis L. Brannigan (how buildings are built) and Vincent Dunn (how they fall apart).

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Third Quarter Meeting and Barbecue
4:00 PM16:00

Third Quarter Meeting and Barbecue

Join us for the 3rd Quarter meeting and social event. This is going to be different than meetings in the past as it will be family friendly, of course feel free to bring other firefighter friends to help introduce them to the awesomeness of the F.O.O.L.S! We will have the BBQ going with with burgers, dogs and some simple sides. It is BYOB if your included, we will have a cooler to throw beverages into. Food will be provided for members and their family, future F.O.O.L.S. are kindly asked to throw some money in the hat as donation for food.

We want to have a brief meeting to update everyone on our experience at the F.O.O.L.S. International conference, events coming up, and future goals of the chapter. Please come with ideas for future trainings that you would like to see be brought to the Portland metro area!

We will close out the evening with a round (or 2) of kickball! So bring your favorite kickball shoes!

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Journeyman Firefighter Series: Interior Fire Attack
9:00 AM09:00

Journeyman Firefighter Series: Interior Fire Attack

  • Lee Broadbent Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

General Course Outline

(Photo source: Fire Engineering article by Frank Ricci)

The problem most of us face after basic Recruit Training is that there isn't a roadmap for how to continue building our skills. Just going to fires isn't enough- we need deliberate practice with the skills that make a difference during interior fire attack operations.

No matter what Department you work for, we're all expected to be able to perform similar tasks "from the door to the seat of the fire". This class will focus on just those few feet- the distance between where we've decided to make entry and the fire rooms. Each scenario will be practiced in a small group setting to make sure you get as many reps as you need to refine your skills.

The morning will start a short classroom session, where we'll give a thorough explanation of the "Journeyman Firefighter" concept, and a roadmap for your skill development. We will refine your "80% of the time" nozzle technique, and then get right into the scenarios.

All of the scenarios are based on realistic fire situations that will require short, focused advances through difficult conditions. Each scenario is based on room-and-contents fires and confirmed victim rescues. THIS IS NOT A LIVE FIRE CLASS.


$25 for FOOLS Members, $50 for non-members

Bring full Turnouts, Helmets and gloves
Bring a Mask if possible, but SCBA is not required.
Bring a lunch! Water is provided

Scenario 1: Hoarder Conditions

We frequently fight fires in homes and apartments that are filled (overflowing?) with stuff. This station is designed to teach you how to deal with large amounts of clutter and furniture while controlling a room-and-contents fire and rescuing an occupant.

Scenario 2: Limited Visibility

This station is designed for practicing verbal communications with a partner on the same hose line. The scenario is staged in a residential setting, with a large volume of fire and a confirmed rescue.

Scenario 3: Stairs

Structure fires in basements, attics and apartment buildings often extend to the stairways nearby. This station is designed for practice fighting fire while moving up and down vertical spans. The goal is to control fire in the stairs, then quickly move into the room that is still involved. And of course, there is a confirmed victim to rescue.

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First Quarter Meeting & Training Lecture
4:00 PM16:00

First Quarter Meeting & Training Lecture

  • Vancouver Firefighters Local 452 Union Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a lecture and conversation with Lt. Scott Corrigan from Pierce County, WA. "Beyond the Door" is an analysis of the ways different departments conduct "risk assessments" at house fires. We will discuss methods to standardize the way we evaluate tenability and make "GO or NO GO" decisions. We may use fireground footage from recent fires in the Metro area.

Lt. Corrigan would prefer to limit the event to 25 firefighters to keep the event small and allow conversation during the class. If more would like to attend we will consider allowing more to register.

Photo by Greg Muhr

Photo by Greg Muhr

COST: Members $20    Non-members $30
FOOD/BEER: Included! Pizza and Beer at 4:00PM.
TIME: Doors open at 4:00PM, Quarterly meeting starts at 4:30PM, Lecture from 5:00PM-8:00PM.

I gauge the speed of the event against the men and women who have arrived on scene.  Is it faster than we are and we are behind?  Can we begin to control the event?  I ask myself "can we be in there?" 

If we can- we go. 

We will be Offensive as this indicates a series of expected actions to all incoming units. We will deploy in a fashion that we have prepared mentally and physically for.  We will execute the basic things that will support a good outcome.  We will "run the play". 

From "Beyond the Door, the Risk Analysis - at

Do you have footage from a residential fire in your area? Send a link or file to the, and we'll ask Lt. Corrigan to use it during the presentation.

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4th Quarter Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

4th Quarter Meeting

Out next meeting at Ex Novo Brewery starts at 7:00pm, but some of us will be there at 6:00 to have a beer and catch up. We'll discuss how to help with the upcoming Firemanship Conference, and upcoming training opportunities in the spring and summer.

We'll also vote for President, Secretary/Treasurer and Membership Trustee, as all three are up for election this quarter.

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Apartment Fire Engine Ops & The Science of Aggressive Firefighting
6:00 PM18:00

Apartment Fire Engine Ops & The Science of Aggressive Firefighting

  • Tuesday, March 3, 2015
  • 6:00pm 9:00pm
  • Billy Bob's Bar and Grill

Join us for dinner, beer and presentations on tactics and teaching, followed by our Quarterly Business Meeting.

Click here to register on Facebook. No charge to attend, we just need a headcount.

Click below to download the PDF Flyer.

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First Whip F.O.O.L.S. Social
6:00 PM18:00

First Whip F.O.O.L.S. Social

Chief Anthony Kastros is coming to Canby, OR to teach his seminar "Calm the Chaos / Fire Service Leadership & Team Building". Registration has closed, but the First Whip F.O.O.L.S. are hosting the after-party! Join us in the evening for dinner and drinks at the McMenamin's Old Church in Wilsonville, OR. Talk shop with Chief Kastros and meet other fire service leaders from around the region.

This event is open to firefighters, officers and Chiefs.

The cost to attend is $25, which covers dinner at the McMenamin's Old Church in Wilsonville. Active  F.O.O.L.S. from any chapter pay $20.


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The Working Engine
7:00 PM19:00

The Working Engine

  • Clackamas Fire District #1 Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Aaron Fields, Seattle Firefighter and lead instructor of The Nozzle Forward is presenting his short lecture "The Working Engine" this November 10th at the Portland Fire Training Center. He has previously presented this material at FDIC and Andy Fredericks Training Days.

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VES and Firefighter Self-Rescue Hands-On-Training Class
8:30 AM08:30

VES and Firefighter Self-Rescue Hands-On-Training Class

  • 18121 SE River Rd Portland, OR, 97267 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You've arrived at an apartment fire with a company of three firefighters. A mom is frantic, her child is trapped in a room on the second floor. The next due engine is 7 minutes out- are you ready to make the grab? 

Join us for a full day of training, provided with help from Brothers in Battle LLC. Visit to register. The cost is $50 for FOOLS and $75 for non-members, and lunch is provided. The quarterly meeting will follow the drill, location TBD. 

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